How to improve my blog post SEO?

In this page, we will talk about enhancing the SEO of your blog posts on Bloggle by setting a focus keyword to inform search engines about the content's topic and improving the SEO score through specific strategies such as adding header tags, optimizing keyword density, and ensuring images have alt attributes.

Define a focus keyword

Our SEO scoring tool allows you to set a focus keyword which is your opportunity to tell search engines what your blog post is about. You should always define a focus keyword if you want your article to be optimized for search engines such as Google.

1. Open the SEO drawer by hovering the score button

2. Select the right keyword ( How to select the best keyword for my article ) and click on validate

Improve the SEO Score

The SEO Score help you improve the SEO of your blog post. It is an indicator, it should not be taken literally.

The SEO Score is divided in 3 :

  • What need to be solved
  • What you should improve
  • What you have already optimized

Here are some exemple of what the SEO Score could ask you to do :

Add an h2 tag in your article / Add the focus keyword in h2

The article should have at least two h3

Add the focus keyword in your handle

Add texts in bold / strong

Links should be between 3 and 8

All images should have an alt attribute

Respect the focus keyword density :

Keyword density is a foundational aspect of on-page SEO. It can help attract search engines and boost a page’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) when used correctly. When ignored, it can keep a page from ranking or even result in a search penalty, removing it from SERPs altogether.

It is calculated this way:

  • Number of times the focus keyword appears / Number of words on a webpage= Keyword density or IDM
  • An excessively high keyword density can create a poor experience for readers and be considered a bad practice by Google, resulting in a bad position in SERPs.

Julien Mamalian
